Looking for a boost to your self-employed positivity, read on!
With everything that has been going on recently we are all struggling with our mental wellbeing. However, if like me, you are self-employed and work alone it can be really difficult to stay positive with so much uncertainty around. I thought I would share with you all some tips on remaining positive that can be useful at any time that you are struggling. So read on to find some self-employed positivity.
If you need a general boost of positivity have a look at these morning affirmation suggestions over on Afamuche https://afamuche.com/i-am-affirmations-for-daily-motivation/
Brain Dump
There can be so many different things whizzing around in our head at any one time. You can find it overwhelming and so will find it difficult to concentrate on a decision. If you take some time to empty your mind, you can then work through everything in a more logical way. A simple brain dump or even a list will help you identify all the separate things you need to work on. But also by getting everything written down you can take a breath knowing that you aren’t now going to forget anything.
Remember the why
Many of us who have set up a business of our own have usually entered into this venture as we have a real passion for what we do. When there is a cloud hanging over you it can really help to remind yourself why you started in the first place. Sometimes this reminder may help you realign yourself with the goal that you originally set out to achieve. With the day to day running of a small business, you can get so wrapped up in the necessary everyday tasks and admin so you lose sight of the overall direction you are taking.
A review of why you started can just offer the clarity needed to keep going and remind you of all the positives of what you are doing.
Talk it through
When you work on your own you can spend so much time evaluating and making decisions. You can do all of this without actually voicing any of this aloud. I find that decisions are a lot clearer to me if I can take the time to just voice my thought processes out loud. The person I am talking to doesn’t need to be qualified or experienced in what I am talking about. In fact in most instances they don’t even need to reply or give suggestions. By just talking through what you are thinking you will not feel so isolated.
Although you are working hard at your own venture there are many people who are in the same boat as you. When you are finding it hard to find direction it can be really beneficial to connect with other small business owners. Although they may not be able to help on specifics they will completely understand the situation you are in. It reassures you as well that you aren’t the only one to suffer from so much indecisiveness or self-doubt.
Connections could be found online through Facebook groups or business networking groups. Speaking to your local Chamber of Commerce or Council may give you an idea of where to look.
Review your achievements – tap in to previous self-employed positivity
When you are really struggling and not sure that what you are doing is right it, is very easy to concentrate on the negative aspects of your business. At times like this it is really beneficial to review all the achievements that you have made since you started. Simple milestones like your first sale or client will remind you of the buzz you felt when these happened. This can just be the reminder you need to strive to achieve your next goal.
Time away
We work so hard to try and help our business grow or to keep our customers happy it can be all consuming. Surprisingly enough if you were to take some time away or god forbid the day off, you will actually come back being more productive. Self-care is really important and by taking a break, even for just an hour, can be so helpful. Coming back to what you were doing with a clearer and calmer mind can help you concentrate and be more effective.
Let me know how you manage to find self-employed positivity when working alone for so much of the time. Or if you are struggling at the moment, I am happy to offer a sounding board for you to release your tension.
If you have found this post useful you may also like to take a look at my tips to avoid burn out as a small business https://www.claireyatfairycrafters.com/how-to-avoid-burnout-in-business/
Find self-employed positivity Self-emloyed positivity