31 Day Handmade May challenge to give you some inspiration for your social media posts in May.
We often struggle to keep on top of social media posts. As a crafter it is also quite difficult to decide what to post to keep our followers updated. I have created the Handmade May Challenge to help give you some inspiration and direction for your posts throughout May. Follow this and May is sorted for you.
Many of us followed the March Meet the Maker Challenge that Joanne Hawker created, if you haven’t had a go at that challenge you can find details over at https://www.marchmeetthemaker.com/
Day 1 Rainbow makes
Makes inspired by the rainbow. Have you made any colourful or even rainbow striped items that you would like to share?
Day 2 Work in progress
Show us your work in progress. People love to see what you are working on, give them a behind the scenes look at what you are currently working on. This will also give your customers an idea of the work that goes into each of your handmade items.
Day 3 Work space
Where do you make your creations. As a general rule we are all a bit nosey, give your customers an insight into where you work. Either your desk or the room that you use to craft.
Day 4 Traditional makes
Traditional or vintage crafts or techniques. So much of craft has evolved over time, show how you incorporate traditional methods or designs into your creations.
Day 5 Nature inspired makes
Have you taken any inspiration from nature either weather, plants or creatures? Whether the items reflect the nature that you took inspiration from or whether there is a very tenuous link.
Day 6 Most recently finished
What have you most recently finished? We spend so much time working on items show something your have completed.
Day 7 Cool blue makes
Any blue makes or inspiration. Colours can instill certain emotions or connotations where does the colour blue take you with your crafts?
Day 8 Cosy makes
What cosy makes have your made? There is a whole other level to a cosy item when you know that it is cosy as well as handmade. Share the warmth!
Day 9 Sunshine makes
Any sunny makes in smiles or colours? Sunshine can be restorative and sunshine inspired or coloured makes can have a similar outcome.
Day 10 Miniature makes
Any mini makes or makes for little ones? Miniature also means cute so share your cutest makes.
Day 11 Raw materials
What do your creations start off as before you make them? Show your customers where their items originate from, nothing demonstrates the process more than showing the very beginning of the process.
Day 12 Handmade by
Who are you? Feeding the nosiness of us all again let everyone who you are and what you look like. Online it is difficult to get a sense of the person behind the craft so introduce yourself.
Day 13 Makes for me
What have you made for yourself? We always tend to make things for other people, but sometimes we treat ourselves. What have you made for yourself?
Day 14 Floral
Makes inspired by floral designs or flowers in nature. Nature can inspire us in a number of ways and everyone sees different things when they look so what from nature has inspired you?
Day 15 First make ever
What was the first thing you ever made? We all start somewhere and usually we look back thinking how awful it looks in hindsight. Share where you started from.
Day 16 Family
Any family inspired makes or how your family helps with your creations. Family is so important and can mean different things to different people your family can be biological, adopted, a circle of friends or even your cherished animals. We are now over half way through the Handmade May Challenge
Day 17 Organised
Any makes to help you get organised. Or a snap of how you keep your supplies organised.
Day 18 Creative mess
Do you work in a creative mess? Or the aftermath of a creative session. Perfection can cause quite a mess after all!
Day 19 Favourite tools
What tools do you use to help you with your creations? Is there one tool that you work with most that is your favourite?
Day 20 Inspirational
What inspires you? Inspiration can come from anywhere so where is the source of your creations
Day 21 Busy hands
Show us your hands at work! Customers are often fascinated to see how something is made so show your work method.
Day 22 Weather
Does the weather feature in your makes, inspire your makes or does certain weather cause you to undertake certain crafts?
Day 23 Pattern
Are you a lover of pattern? How has pattern featured in your makes?
Day 24 Dots and spots
What dots and spots have featured in your handmade items?
Day 25 Happy Post
A picture of happy post either craft supplies being delivered to you or your makes packaged up ready to go.
Day 26 Animals
Any animal themed makes or animals that help you in your creative process?
Day 27 Hearts and love
What makes have you created that feature either hearts or love?
Day 28 Monochrome
What monochrome makes have you made? Some people can work in only black and white or shades of grey a limit of colour can actually be unrestricted
Day 29 Making aids
What do you use to help you with your creations? Some people are lucky enough to have a crafting buddy or hindrance in some cases
Day 30 Yum Yum
What do you make that is either edible or looks like food. Or what do you like to have as snacks to keep you crafting!
Day 31 Crafting just for fun
Is there any crafts that you do purely for fun and the satisfaction of creating?
Well done you have made it to the end of the Handmade May Challenge, a whole month of craft related social media posts.
Let me know if you have found this challenge helpful or if there are any other social media challenges that have helped you with your social media post calendar.
If you are looking at other ways to promote your business have a look at https://www.claireyatfairycrafters.com/free-advertising/
Handmade May Challenge post ideas 31 Day Handmade May Challenge